Paper Presentation Topics

Paper Presentation Topics for ECE
1.      The next generation broadband wireless communication networks
2.      Digital hub
3.      Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM)
4.      3GPP – Advanced
5.      Green Communications
6.      Cognitive radio
7.      Satellite communications
8.      Antennas and propagation
9.      VLSI for communications
10.  An theoretic perspective on wireless communications
11.  Convergence in networks
12.  Micro wave communications
13.  Communication theory and systems
14.  Impact of embedded systems on Real time operating systems
15.  Mobile phones powered using solar energy
16.  Audio and speech processing
17.  802.11 Modulation
18.  Source coding and encryption
19.  Advanced signal processing
20.  TCP/IP networks
21.  Radio frequency waves and propagation
22.  CDMA
23.  Ad-hoc Networks
24.  Networks and protocols
25.  Channel modes in wireless systems
26.  Video Processing
27.  Comprehensive sensing
28.  Performance analysis of networks
29.  DSP Algorithms and architecture
30.  Telecom technologies
31.  Wireless in local loop
32.  Mobile Internet for bridging digital divide
33.  Quantum key distribution
34.  Mathematical methods in signal coding
35.  Error control coding
36.  Adaptive transmission with limited feedback
37.  Multi terminal wireless communications
38.  Scheduling issues in WiMax/OFDMA
39.  Fixed point analysis of wireless local area networks
40.  Internet Technologies inIndia
41.  Biological networks
42.  Performance analysis of non-persistent TCP Flows in High Speed wide area networks.
43.  Systems and devices
44.  Multimedia applications
45.  language identification
46.  DSP pattern analysis and classifications
47.  Space signal recovery
48.  Image reconstruction algorithms
49.  Satellite trans multiplexer and receiver
50.  Audio conferencing over a wireless network
51.  ISP servers
52.  Broadband cellular networks
53.  Digital frequency modulation
54.  Quality of service in network layer protocols
55.  Audio / Video Codec’s

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